Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Cogito Ergo Sum - 770 Words

I think, therefore I am, the epitome of Rene Descartes logic. Descartes came to the understanding that there was little he actually knew because he felt unclear about some things, besides the subject of mathematics, in which he felt was clear and distinct. For him to truly have knowledge he would have to toss out all prior knowledge and start anew with a better foundation of self. The main foundation of his education was from the senses or through the senses. (D 60) Descartes proves that the senses can not be trusted, therefore they can not be the foundation of his knowledge. The perception of things through our senses can be deceiving. Take his example of the wax for instance. At one point his sensory perception of the wax is†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I am a thing that thinks, that is to say, a thing that doubts, affirms, denies, understands a few things, refrains from willing, and also imagines and senses. (D 70)† These doubts can be confirmed or denied by us ing rationalism. When thinking about the quote â€Å"I am a thinking thing† it can be said that all humans are a thing, or a body, and can think, or have a mind. Descartes doubts that the mind and the body are directly connected. Leibniz’s Law states that if two things are the same, than they must share all of the same properties. The mind and the body do not share all the same properties, so they must be separate from each other. Descartes asserts that we can know our mind more readily than we can know our body. The body than could be considered an extended object of the mind. Every human in the world has a body. There are no like bodies in the world, every body is different. It is possible that the human body is just a material object that is being controlled by the mind. The mind and the body will always be directly connected in this fashion. The mind is fashioned to mesh with the cultural beliefs of the region, but the main idea is that all minds are equ ipped to think for themselves. On the other hand, David Hume believes that there is no innate idea of self. He likes to rely on impressions and ideas that come from the senses to explain everything. He argues that when something happens to a person it makes an impression. If all of theseShow MoreRelatedDescartes s Cogito Ergo Sum 1488 Words   |  6 PagesDuring Meditations 2, Descartes establishes a version of his famous ‘cogito ergo sum’. He establishes that despite the fact that we may not know the world around us as well as we think we do, we can know the mind better and the trusting the mind can lead him to the seemingly justified conclusion that he exists. Descartes’ method of arriving at the conclusion is by starting from scratch and considering whether there could be any ground of doubt for his beliefs. He was a rational philosopher who gaveRead MoreDescartes Cogito Ergo Sum And Ontological Arguments1833 Words   |  8 PagesDescartes’ cogito ergo sum and ontological arguments both rely on the method of doubt and follow from the premise that essence implies existence. The cogito ergo sum is different from the latter one, however, from the fact that it did not contain the premise regarding the cause and effect of an idea having objective reality. The main problem with this argument is that while essence and existence were said to be inseparable, it does not happen to be the case. First of all, Descartes’ cogito ergo sum restsRead MoreIt seems we all live in this world, but experience it in our own unique ways. We all Share some800 Words   |  4 Pagescompletely dependent on all of the things we perceive with our minds. Things about me could not possibly happen before my existence, and therefore cause my existence. Descartes stipulated the reality of ones own existence when he stated, â€Å"COGITO, ERGO SUM†. He believed we all start with a clean slate by denying the real existence of the world and of oneself in it. Descartes approach assumes that everything is illusory, that both his body and the world around him are not real. I think, thereforeRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words   |  6 PagesJordan Kriegel Basic Philosophical Questions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. 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For example, in Latin, â€Å"cogito ergo sum† (=I think so I am). In the Latin word cogito, we can find in English â€Å"I† and â€Å"think † in the same word. â€Å"I† is then implied. We can consequently say that thanks to language, people distinguish them selves from each other in order to debate, protect one’s point of viewRead MoreEssay on Descartes Knowledge1083 Words   |  5 Pages Descartes Knowledge The question of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. This essay will look at the phrase, cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Rene Descartes. This phrase is the backbone of Descartes whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensory data that we receive is believable orRead MoreDescartes s Meditations On First Philosophy986 Words   |  4 Pagesmoments of reflection, time spent with one’s thoughts, and time to figure out where one is placed within the world. During one of these meditations, Descartes creates the phrase, â€Å"cogito ergo sum†, I think, therefore I am, in his monumental book, Principles of Philosophy, though it was written in another form earlier, â€Å"ego sum, ego existo†, I am, I exist, in his book Meditations on First Philosophy. This phrase, put so eloquently, means that because Descartes is able to think, because he is able to ponderRead MoreDescartes Mind and Body1480 Words   |  6 Pagesbelieves that what he is thinking in his mind is what God created and instilled in him. Descartes outlines many arguments to support and prove his claims of his discoveries. He states that because he can think, his mind exists. This is known as the Cogito, which is the first existential principal of all of Descartes’ work where modern philosophy begins. Descartes also explains that it is possible that all knowledge of external objects, including his body could be false because of the deceiving actionsRead MoreDescartes Evil Demon Argument1996 Words   |  8 Pageseverything he perceives and believes. He describes a ‘malicious demon of the utmost power and cunning’ that has the sole purpose of deceiving Descartes (Descartes, 2010: 17). I will argue that his hypothesis has proven to be a strong one because only the cogito provides a way for us to frustrate or trick the evil demon. The Evil Demon Hypothesis is an important component of the Method of Doubt. Descartes used the Method of Doubt to find what is true by withholding assent from all beliefs that are dubitable

Friday, December 20, 2019

Business Plan For Cake Dash - 1411 Words

With careful consideration and review of the company’s needs, it is my recommendation that Cake Dash proceed with the following business plan. Cake Dash should formally conduct business as an LLC as it has low risk with optimal tax benefits. Future liabilities are outlined for current, long term and estimated liabilities so as to correctly categorize and document them. For its capital expenditure purchases Cake Dash should use the units of production method as it best fits the needs of the anticipated fluctuating nature of the business. Many factors were taken into account when making this determination. These factors include the individual needs of the business in terms of taxes, liabilities, employees, expenses, and nature of the†¦show more content†¦An LLC however allows for the business to be recognized because it requires special paperwork to be filed annually with the state government, in order to operate. Additionally, there is also less risk involved. Cake Das h would be treated as its own separate entity in terms of its debts. This means that if for any reason Cake Dash was unable to meet its financial obligations the owner would not be personally liable for them. The owner would only be held personally liable if a case arose in which the negative action would not have occurred had it not been for the owners’ actions. This would be in cases such as fraudulent or illegal actions taken by the owner, or if the owner pierced the corporate veil and used the company to pay for personal expenses. Aside from these particular situations the owner is able to operate without concern of being personally sued. Given that the owner of Cake Dash is concerned with taxes and liability, an LLC seems like the optimal choice for establishing the business under. Once Cake Dash has set itself up as an LLC it will take on both current and long term liabilities which will need to be correctly accounted for. Current liabilities are obligations that are owed within one year. Since Cake Dash will be employing two employees whom they will pay throughout the year this willShow MoreRelatedThe Secret Of The Kitchen Essay2085 Words   |  9 Pageslast of the cookies is in the closet and the last part of humus in the refrigerator. To keep your kitchen, you must have a constant plan weekly food shopping. Is not it funny how we plan our week s work, our vacations, our family obligations, but somehow, they completely avoid planning in the time to shop and cook? Here are the basics for making a food purchase plan that makes it accessible even to cook during the week. 1. Create a shopping list by hand or machine. Make a list of all the staplesRead MoreThoughts on a Family Vacation1831 Words   |  8 Pagesand cement our family relationships a motivation to expend time and resources on a vacation. Studies have sought to explain the why we are willing to splurge on a holiday. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Job Interview Questions Essay Sample free essay sample

1. State me about yourself.Many people are non comfy with this inquiry. By fixing for it. nevertheless. it could be a fantastic chance to sell yourself. Briefly discourse your instruction. work experience and personal history. Examples: I am a alumnus of AB Mass Communication from St. Scholastica College. My academic norm when I graduated was 91. which I think is good. I had my on-the-job preparation at ABS-CBN where my supervisor gave me a really satisfactory occupation assessment. I have been working as a Communications Trainer in an English tutorial centre for two old ages. I can state that I am a competent. hardworking and responsible individual. By the manner. I am married with two childs. But I can guarantee you that I can equilibrate calling and household life. 2. Talk about your work experience. Give a sum-up of the paid and voluntary occupations that you handled. Stress your parts to the company. I had my on-the-job preparation at UCPB Balanga. I worked at that place as a trainee for a sum of 200 hours. I assisted in the filing of records. screening and numeration of money and replying telephone enquiries. Furthermore. I helped clients in finishing signifiers and other demands. I think. in my ain small manner. I was able to lend to UCPB. My supervisor gave me a class of 95 for my public presentation. 3. Why did you take your class? Don’t say things like â€Å" I have no pick â€Å" or† I neer liked the class â€Å" ( even if it’s true ) Talk about the things that you expected to derive from your class or the advantage that it will give you. a. I chose Management because it is a really interesting and ambitious class. I knew I would derive penetrations on concern planning and proper concern direction. Now I know that I am equipped with of import constructs that I could use in my calling. b. I chose Banking and Finance because I truly want to work in finance-related industries. I am interested to larn bank operations and minutess. It is a really ambitious class that would develop the students’ rational capableness and analytical accomplishments. 4. What is your greatest strength?Talk about the strength you feel will hit the most points. Get down with a brief statement and give clear illustrations. Examples: I think my greatest strength is my selling accomplishments. I am a really persuasive individual and I know how to cover good with people. In fact. when I was working as a gross revenues executive at Smart. I was able to sell 300 SIM cards in two hebdomads. Besides. when I was working as an Avon trader. I was able to sell P20. 000 worth of cosmetics in one month. In my present occupation as a call centre agent. I ever run into my monthly quota for the upselling and cross-selling of merchandises. 5. What is your greatest failing?You don’t have to uncover the worst thing about you. Mention something that will non sound that bad: e. g. † Sometimes. . I worry excessively much. † Some experts advise masking a strength as a failing like being excessively self-asserting or being a perfectionist. You may besides advert a proficient failing ; e. g. † I need to update my computing machine accomplishments. † Examples: One challenge that I have to face is my English proficiency. I think I have to better my ability to pass on in this linguistic communication. non merely for my calling. but besides for my personal satisfaction and assurance. I am be aftering to inscribe in a short-tern class in English. I’m certain this can assist me a batch. I am besides giving more clip to reading English magazines like Time and Newsweek. 6. What can you offer us that person else can’t?Respond by depicting your strengths. You may besides advert a valuable or a alone experience. Examples: My experiences and most of my qualities are alone to me. The personal and the professional experiences that I had helped me go a mature and responsible individual. For illustration. when I was working as a public wellness supplier. I had to do make with limited resources and at the same clip digest the long hours. I think these experiences helped me develop into a extremely competent nurse. 7. What is your most of import achievement?Choose an achievement that is related to the occupation you are using for and one which the interviewer can associate to. Examples: Well. I am proud of the fact that I was able to graduate from college with good classs although I had to work as a fast nutrient crew. I know. to some people. this is non a large trade. But to me. it is. Imagine. I had to work at Jollibee for four hours in the forenoon. taking orders and accepting payments ; so from 2:00 autopsy to 8:00 autopsy. I was a full clip college pupil. I had really limited clip to reexamine and to work on my undertakings. It was difficult ; but I was able to turn out that I can last good in physically and intellectually ambitious environments. 8. Rate yourself on a graduated table of 1 – 10The employer is proving your self-pride. Don’t score yourself lower than seven or a perfect 10. Be ready to explicate your reply. Examples: I would rate myself as 8. I know that there are still challenges that I have to get the better of. like bettering my computing machine accomplishments and developing my gross revenues accomplishments. I am willing to better myself through self- survey and preparation. I think. in one twelvemonth. I can be a 9. 9. What are your calling ends?You have to go forth the feeling that you are a growth-oriented individual with realistic outlooks. Mention ends that you can accomplish through experience in the mark company. Examples: If accepted here in PLDT. I would decidedly remain here for a long clip. and I hope to be able to lend to your corporate end. which is to go on giving first-class tele-communication services to the populace. I besides plan to prosecute a master’s grade in Business Administration. If I’m non lucky plenty to be accepted here. I will seek other companies and make my best to be a productive and competent employee. 10. What is most of import to you in a occupation?What do you value in a occupation ( salary. duties. working relationship. etc. ) — reference one or two points and explain. Examples: Both salary and duties are of import to me. I would prefer a occupation that suits my competency. cognition. potencies and accomplishments. If I can make the duties good. I would hold professional satisfaction. On the other manus. a sufficient wage would give me peace of head. cognizing that I can supply good for myself and my household. Employees who have peace of head are happier and more productive. 11. Why do you desire to acquire into this field /company?Your reply should demo your cognition of the company. Mention the positive experiences which you think you can acquire from the company and the things you think you can lend to the company. Example I would wish to be a portion of a esteemed company like yours. I know that you provide first-class products/ services. Furthermore. you take attention of your people and develop them to make their fullest potencies. I think my competency and abilities are compatible to the demands of this company. 12. Why should we engage you?This is normally asked at the terminal of the interview. Sum up your strengths. your proficient accomplishments and personal qualities that you think can hold the greatest impact on the employer. Examples: I have a batch to offer your company: my cognition. my abilities and my positive attitude. I can easy accommodate or set to new environments. I have the aptitude to larn new accomplishments easy. I can utilize my computing machine accomplishments to problem shoot computing machine jobs. I can utilize my linguistic communication and interpersonal accomplishments to pull more clients. If hired. I would use my cognition and accomplishments to accomplish organisational ends.